Toolkit Cover image


This toolkit is for the principal and the team the principal assembles to help everyone return to school, whatever that may look like. Suggested actions, recommended resources, quick tip sheets—the toolkit is a handy computer desktop companion for helping people with Change, Communication, Collaboration, and Care in the time of COVID. Click on the links below to view a short vlog that describes each section.

Open Returning to School: A Toolkit for Principals

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Communication                               Collaboration 

Care                                                    Testimony 


teacher with students image


Welcome to the Comprehensive Center Network (CC Network)! The U.S. Department of Education awarded new five-year grants  to 19 Regional Comprehensive Centers and 1 National Comprehensive Center.  These 5-year grants will provide services to all fifty States, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, and U.S. Territories and outlying areas.  Here you can learn about the new Centers, search information for all 20 Centers’ 免费翻国外墙的app, and request technical assistance. This website is currently being updated, and we look forward to providing new information on our Centers soon!




Schools’ First and Forever Responders: Preparing and Supporting Teachers in the Time of COVID-19 elevates a rationale and considerations for evidence-based strategies and innovative approaches to support teachers and teacher candidates during and following the COVID-19 crisis. Because teachers are the most vital in-school education resource, supporting the teacher workforce through the disruptions created by COVID-19 is essential to ensure continuity of learning for students. As schools and districts rush to meet immediate workforce needs, longer term planning is critical in light of looming budget declines. For each of the considerations highlighted in the brief, we cite re search or examples from other states and districts that can be helpful to learn more and guide decision-making

CCNetwork Chevron

New RC Websites Now Live!

Several Regional Centers have launched their websites, check them out below:  

Regional Center 1                                Regional Center 3 

Regional Center 6                                Regional Center 7

Regional Center 9                                Regional Center 16

Regional Center 17

CCNetwork Chevron

New RC Twitter Accounts Now Live!

Download 快帆-海外华人听国内音乐看视频玩游戏的中国 ...:2021-8-9 · 「快帆」是一款免费帮助海外华人用户翻墙回国内高速访问中国网络的VPN加速软件,可伍让境外华人从国外直连到中国国内,无论在世界何处,都可伍无任何限制的使用酷狗、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、优酷、爱奇艺、B站、微信等国内资源,即使身在海外也能与

Regional Center 1                          Regional Center 5

快帆翻国外加速软件                          Regional Center 8

Regional Center 9                          Regional Center 12

在国内怎么翻国外app                        Regional Center 17

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Return to School
Continuity of Learning: Resources for Trauma-Informed Practices (TIP)
Woman professional with caring expression
Continuity of Learning: Resources to Ensure Equity
teens talking with teacher
Continuity of Learning: Resources to Support Social Emotional Learning
happy children clapping


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Blog 快帆翻国外加速软件
Toolkit cover
Jul 31, 2023
Returning to Schools – A Toolkit for Principals
Whether a veteran or novice school principal, all desire that every student returns to a school that is even better than the one the child left the previous year. Principals require support as they will continue to rally around students, teachers, families and staff in doing just that – ensuring this school year is more productive and successful than the last, despite the differences and changes that COVID-19 now requires.  While every new…
Blog Post
Brief Cover thumbnail image
Jul 8, 2023
When crisis calls – look to schools’ first and forever responders!
As states and districts contemplate the logistics of re-opening schools in the fall, supporting the teacher workforce is essential to ensure continuity of learning for students. Education leaders can take several steps to support teachers in the quest to provide equitable and effective instruction. Evidence-based approaches include instructional coaching and induction programs, which can improve instructional quality and student outcomes.…
Blog Post
Jun 26, 2023
Using Accountability Testing as a Flashlight in Post-pandemic Education
The end of the school year tends to be a time to reflect on the past and think about the future. 2023–20 is no different—but it is unique, given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we have an unprecedented opportunity to develop and implement innovative solutions that address long-standing educational challenges. One example is accountability testing (i.e., standardized tests). Accountability testing has many valid critiques (such as…
Blog Post
Jun 23, 2023
Returning to School: Reflections about our new resource collection
As a parent of rising first-grader whose kindergarten year just wrapped up virtually, I’ve been closely attuned to the conversation around returning to school in fall 2023. At this point, it seems like there are three common scenarios: learning takes place in-person, learning takes place via a hybrid model of in-person and online learning, and, learning takes place online. As a working mother, when I think about these three options, I feel a…
ED logo
Jun 10, 2023
Updates from the Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education Updates New CARES Act FAQ on Maintenance of Effort The U.S. Department of Education released Frequently Asked Questions document on "Maintenance of Effort" requirements in the CARES Act on June 5, 2023. Two programs, the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER Fund) and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund), require States to maintain fiscal effort on behalf of elementary,…
Blog Post
Report cover
Jun 5, 2023
Successful Readers: Who shares the responsibility?
What images come to mind when thinking about teaching young children to read? Perhaps a parent helping a child sound out the letters in an unrecognized word or a teacher talking with a small group of children about the characters in the story they’ve just read aloud. Chances are the average person doesn’t immediately summon an image of policymakers, state leaders, or researchers when thinking about young children’s reading. Yet it is the work of…
May 21, 2023
Updates from US Department of Education
Over the last two weeks, the Department of Education and other federal agencies have released guidance to support schools, educators, and families regarding COVID-19.  Some of those resources include, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidance for School Settings, Resources for Institutions of Higher Education, Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund’s: Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students reporting, and the Education…
May 5, 2023
Teacher Appreciation: New National Board Resource for Policy & System Leaders
For Teacher Appreciation Week, the National Board is asking policy and system leaders to help them recognize, celebrate, and support the ways teachers, especially NBCTs, are leading during this challenging time. NBCT released a new brief which shines a light on the extraordinary leadership NBCTs are exhibiting during the pandemic, and provides suggestions for policy leaders to support teacher leaders (and all teachers) right now and in the long-…
Blog Post
National Center Logo
May 4, 2023
Continuity of Learning Resources: Something to Help When You’re Busier than You’ve Ever Been
I spent eight years teaching, and one of the things I remember most, second only to my students and my conversations with them, was the immense amount of time I spent curating just the right resources and materials during lesson planning. If you’ve been a teacher, you know what I mean. You’ve also spent hours curating materials or drafting assignments, because, as you know, the right materials matter so much in teaching. I was reminded of this…
ED logo
Apr 29, 2023
Download 快帆-海外华人听国内音乐看视频玩游戏的中国 ...:2021-8-9 · 「快帆」是一款免费帮助海外华人用户翻墙回国内高速访问中国网络的VPN加速软件,可伍让境外华人从国外直连到中国国内,无论在世界何处,都可伍无任何限制的使用酷狗、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、优酷、爱奇艺、B站、微信等国内资源,即使身在海外也能与
The Department of Education (Department) is issued a notice Thursday, April 23, announcing the ESSER Fund under Title VIII of Division B of the CARES Act. Awards will be allocated based on a formula, and up to 10% of the SEA’s award may be retained for the state agency to use to address needs related to responding to coronavirus. SEAs have until July 1, 2023, to apply for ESSER funds by submitting a simple signed Certification and Agreement form…
Apr 7, 2023
Flexibility for States on K-12 Education Funding
The Department announced a new streamlined process for providing states funding flexibilities to best meet the needs of students and educators during the COVID-19 national emergency. The new flexibilities, authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, allow schools to repurpose existing K-12 education funds for technology infrastructure and teacher training on distance learning, among other flexibilities to…
Blog Post
National Center Logo
Apr 6, 2023
GOGO加速器下载|海外专用视频加速器_最火手机站:2021-12-14 · GOGO加速器app手机版方便海外用户翻墙观看国内影视视频伍及各类直播,也能轻松玩国内游戏,全程网络稳定,一键加速更方便,轻松去除手机垃圾,让手机内存更快,方便在国外也能轻松上网,解决大家出国在外,没有网络,无法观看国内视频伍及上网问题,一键让你轻松翻墙,喜欢的小伙伴快 …
An early outcome of stay-at-home policies combined with school closures is that parents, particularly parents of young children, have been thrust into a daunting role—that of being a teacher. Each of us has friends or coworkers who are not only responsible for managing increased household obligations but also feel the responsibility of providing their children with meaningful educational activities. Where can they turn for help? Where should…
ED Logo
Apr 1, 2023
Subscribe to the OESE Newsletter Here
方便出国党的小神器!| 送给出国的你伊 - 知乎:2021-12-2 · 小编最近发现身边很多小伙伴都要出国留学了,而不留学的小伙伴,大佬伊出席各种会议,文艺青年(土豪伊)出国玩耍,大家出国的需求越来越多了。 跨出国门,大家的第一感受一定是,哇!好看看的风景!哇!好帅气的…


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Implementing Scenario Plans: What Supports will Districts and Schools Require? (Session 2 of 2)